The work of Antonio de Felipe is a constant source of fascination and surprises. It is a great pleasure to witness how the artist’s inge-nious world of ideas and his sense of humour are constantly evolving.
Antonio de Felipe was born in Valencia in 1965. Ever since a very young age he has felt an artistic drive that led him to earn a fine arts degree at the University of Valencia. During his studies he worked as a creative designer in an advertising agency which undoubtedly influenced what would be his future pictorial style. In 1996 he moved to Madrid where he has his studio.
Antonio de Felipe has developed his extensive work in different series. His subject worlds form a surprising genre blend, a linking of series characters, classical art and commercialism side by side with contemporary icon worship. His motifs are often painted in constellations that pay homage to great artists, including Velázquez, Picasso, Mondrian and others. Many of his works exhibit an ingenious ability to express powerful paradoxes.
One example of this can be seen in the paraphrase on Diego Velázquez famous Las Meninas (Spanish for The Maids of Honour), painted in 1656. Instead of the glass of cold, perfumed water in the original, Antonio de Felipe places a Fanta soft drink in the hand of the young Spanish princess Margarita. The painting is part of the series LOGOTIPOS (logos) devoted to the world of art and advertising. This series was followed by VACAS (cows), with paintings such as Vaca Vogue, a pink
cow on the cover of a Vogue magazine. Then, CINEMASPOP where actors like Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn among others were revived as pop icons, with well-known creations such as Black Audrey. In 2009 Antonio de Felipe presented POPSPORT in which the artist mixes the world of sport with cartoons and art history, uch as in La carrera where Picasso’s Demoiselles d’Avignon are participating in a run at a stadium. And latest, the LPop series where the artist is playing with the motifs and titles of famous LP album covers, such as Bad Bart where Bart Simpson is accompanying Michael Jackson on his album Bad.
During the twenty years which have spanned his intense professional career, Antonio de Felipe has participated in over seventy solo exhibitions both in Spain and abroad, and in many other collective exhibitions, such as in La Casa de Vacas in Madrid, Museu Picasso in Barcelona, Museo de la Ciudad in Valencia, Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa (BBK) Foundation and at the Soma Museum of Art in Seoul, as well as in important galleries such as in Galerie Levy in Hamburg, Galerie Terminus in Munich, Andipa Gallery in London, FMR (Franco Maria Ricci) in Rome and Lee Gallery in Seoul, among others.
Together with William Sweetlove, Cecilia Cubarle, Philippe Huart and MariaManuela, among others, Antonio de Felipe is one of the members in the group Les nouveauX pop, which has had several exhibitions in Europe and Asia.